Auriculotherapy is the stimulation of specific points on the ear, which is a microsystem for the entire body. Ear Seeds are small pellets affixed to acupressure points on the ear with self-adhesive tape. The continuous mild pressure the exert is amplified by stimulating the pellet with a few seconds of fingertip massage every few hours.
What to expect during an application of ear seeds: Ears should be wiped with alcohol and then let dry.
An adhesive will be placed on the desired acupressure point. You can press down on the ear seed with the pad of your finger for a few seconds, every few hours
Ear seeds are designed to stay in place for 2-4 days, even with showering and daily activity.
If your ear seeds are still on after a week, remove and wait 12-24 hours to reapply. When removing, tilt your head sideways so the pellet can fall away from the ear and toward the ground.
Why the ear?
The ear is covered in a network of ear endings that form a map of the entire body. The stimulation of these points is called Auriculotherapy. Ear seeds are a simple, non-invasive tool used to stimulate those points, sending messages promoting homeostasis to the brain.